Pain and Percocet
Enough to start an addiction? Maybe so. By now, you’ve all heard that there is an opioid crisis in our country. I did not fail to consider this when facing a surgery for which I knew I’d be prescribed narcotic painkillers. Before I go into my experience with Percocet, here is some basic information about the opioid problem of which we should all be aware: 1. “Crisis” and “epidemic” are not overblown words. The CDC reports that in 2015, approximately 15,000 people died from prescription opioids alone. Last year, more than 64,000 people in the US died from all drug overdoses . (Compare to approximately 32-35,000 deaths from gun violence per year– go, USA!—and around the same number, maybe a little higher, from car accidents .) The rate of opioid deaths has quadrupled since 1999. 2. This crisis is not about preventing kids from doing drugs (“Just say no, kids!”), though obviously some of the overdose deaths come from illici...