Celebrity Pet Head-Rocks
For as common as meningiomas are, some of you meningiomates reading this may be the only person you know to have a non-cancerous lesion in your head, and you’re freaked out. However, if you ask around, you may find that more people than you realize have or have had a meningioma. (I now personally know four other women who fit the category.) Too polite to pry into people’s medical histories? Then take comfort in knowing that there are some celebrities who share your condition. So far, I’ve uncovered these illustrious names: Elizabeth Taylor , Mary Tyler Moore , and Sheryl Crow . Fortunately, in most of the articles about these three women, the medical information has been sound. The type of surgery Taylor had is described in surprising detail. There are some takeaways from reading these articles: 1. More women than men are diagnosed with meningiomas. 2. The symptoms that prompt someone to get an MRI may have nothing to do wi...