Getting On with It: The Four-Month Check-In
Now you see it... you don't: the magic of hairspray & backcombing You haven’t heard much from me since December. Honestly, there hasn’t been much to say. I returned to my teaching job at the beginning of January and started back at my Hamline MFA program at the very end of January. I’m running again, too. The last “cognitive episode” I had, when I became instantly overwhelmed and exhausted by looking at our new exercise bike (a multi-step process kind of overwhelmed), was December 8 th . I've had moments of feeling uncomfortable at work--I am often writing on the whiteboard, thus displaying the back of my head to the class--but none of my students have noticed, or they're just too polite to say anything. If it weren’t for those little bald spots at the back of my head and the still pretty short hair around them, you wouldn’t be able to tell that I’d had brain surgery. I myself can’t tell most of the time. (To see what my head looked like right afte...